- Eat At Recess: 8989 Rio San Diego 11:15-1:30p
- Tabe BBQ: 4141 Ruffin rd 92123 from 11:30-1:30pm
- God Save the Cuisine: Greenwich Dr crossing Shoreham Pl from 11-1:30
- GameDay Eats: Barnes Canyon at 11:30 -1:30.
- GreenGo GastroTruck: 10030 Barnes Canyon Rd From 11am-1pm. Sorrento Valley
- Chubbys Food Truck: 11-1:30 at 10181 Scripps Gateway
- Mastiff Sausage Co: UTC at 4840 Eastgate Mall Rd
- My Urban Eats: Carlsbad, 2200 Faraday Ave 12-2pm
- Super Q Food Truck: Bridge Point 8620 Spectrum Center Blvd 11-1:30PM
- Two for the Road: 3131 Camino Del Rio North 11:30-1:30p
- Devilicious: QuestPoint – 5857 Owens Avenue, Carlsbad 11-1pm
- MangiaMangia Mobile: MCAS Miramar from 10:30 to 2pm
Gatherings tonight in:
- Linda Vista at 7245 Linda Vista Road, 5:30pm – 8:30pm
- Scripps Ranch Innovation Academy, at 10380 Spring Canyon Rd, Poway 92131, 5:00pm-8:00pm. Lineup: God Save the Cuisine, Super Q Food Truck, Slider House Co, Mangia Mangia, Devilicious, Sweet Treats
- Tierrasanta at Junipero Serra High School, 5156 Santo Rd, 5:30pm-8:00pm. Lineup: Chubby’s, My Urban Eats, Not So Fast