New Food Truck Regulations Passed
On Monday, the City Council, approved new regulations on food trucks in San Diego.
Read the full article from the San Diego Union-Tribune:
“The new regulations, which some mobile vendors say will harm their businesses, were necessary because there currently are no municipal code provisions that govern trucks serving food to the general public on private property, most notably in commercial areas.
“The net effect of the ordinance, expected to go into effect sometime in April, will be to disallow trucks in the Gaslamp Quarter, Little Italy, and portions of several beach areas. In addition, late-night operations in dense urban areas will be prohibited where food trucks are parked close to homes.
“The council did make one change Monday in response to concerns raised by truck owners over a requirement that permits must be obtained by property owners who want to host a food truck. No such permit would be required for industrially zoned land, and the council agreed to waive the permit as well for commercial office parks. The cost for obtaining such permits is between $491 to $935 for each location, a cost likely borne by the food truck owners.
“Other regulations include:
•Food trucks would be outlawed within eight blocks in the Gaslamp Quarter along Fifth Avenue and a six-block area of Little Italy.
•No food trucks would be allowed within the first two to three blocks adjacent to the beach in such communities as Ocean Beach, parts of Mission Beach, Pacific Beach and La Jolla.
•A prohibition on food trucks within “parking-impacted neighborhoods” surrounding San Diego State, University of San Diego and UC San Diego.