SDFT, Devilicious and Joes on the Nose Interviewed on KPBS Radio

San Diego Food Trucks (as in, me) was lucky enough to be interviewed along with Devilicious for Marissa Cabrera’s KBPS article, “Food-Truck Rush Sweeping San Diego“.  There is also an audio clip on that page of her story that aired on KPBS.

We also did an interview on the air with Marissa and These Days host Maureen Cavanaugh as well as David Wasserman from Joes on the Nose drink truck.  You can listen to the audio here.  We discussed the growing food truck trend in our city, truck cleanliness, where trucks mostly park, and more.

Joes On The Nose Interview Exclusive

Joes On The Nose Interview Exclusive

Anyone who is a food truck fan in San Diego knows the big ORANGE truck.  That’s David Wasserman’s famous Joes on the Nose beverage truck serving up coffee, tea, and smoothies.  One of the first trucks ever in SD, you can always count on JOTN for odd, humorous non-sequitur tweets that keep fans engaged, and not to mention, a great cuppa.  And SDFT doesn’t hold it against him that he’s a Mets fan.

1. When did you open for business?

We first rolled out onto the streets of San Diego on May 26th, 2007. We’re about to celebrate the Truck’s 4th birthday- they grow up so fast.

2. What did you do before you had Joes on the Nose?

I worked as a grip on films & TV shows in New York, LA, and San Diego for around ten years. We ate two to three meals a day out of a lunch truck. Luckily there are some very talented chefs in the movie catering industry- I got used to eating high end food out off a Truck in ’97. By the way, thank you for not including an apostrophe in our business name.

 3. Why did you decide to open a beverage truck? (more…)