by SDFT | Oct 31, 2012 | Blog News/Updates
Hello Food Truck Friends,
Vote for as as Favorite Local Food Truck Blog! The contest is run by Mobile Cuisine online magazine and ends Nov. 9.
It only takes a second – you don’t need to register or anything. Thank you!!

by SDFT | Jun 10, 2011 | Blog News/Updates
Graphic designers! PhotoShop fans! Image adorers! Here’s your chance to design a logo that could be used on this blog and SDFT Facebook page and get paid only in kudos! That’s right, since I don’t make squat from this blog, unfortunately I can’t offer any monetary compensation. But the winning entry will get paid in shout-outs and links.
Here are the main details:
1. Make sure the logo is your original work
2. Include the words “San Diego Food Trucks” or “SD Food Trucks” in the logo
3. The winning entry will be recognized on the FB page and blog and could possibly be used in print. The winning logo will get a mention on this blog (on the “About” page) as long as the logo is in use.
4. The winning logo becomes property of SD Food Trucks
5. Entry deadline is June 21
If you are interested, please email to request the full submission guidelines and details. Currently about 10 individuals have expressed interest, from students to professional designers! I am very honored!
All entries will be posted on the SDFT Facebook page where we can OOH and AHH over them before I choose a winner.
Thanks again for any consideration, folks!