- Tabe BBQ: 9895 Towne Center Dr now till 11, Then to Regulus and Sequenomnom, 11:30-1:30 3545 John Hopkins Ct off Genesee
- Corner Cupcakes: Mission Valley, 8880 Rio San Diego Dr. 11am-1:30pm
- Green Truck: UTC at 9636 Towne Centre Dr, 11:15am-1:15pm.
- India On Wheels: 5744 Pacific center blvd from 11:30am-1:30pm
- Mangiamangia: 10:15-11:15 Scripps Sorrento Valley Road then La Jolla, Cave St till 1:30.
- Super Q Food Truck: 3 stops today! 2 lunch & 1 Dinner. 1st TDAmeritrade at 4075 Sorrento Valley Blvd 10:30-11:30am then John Jay Hopkins Dr at 3550 General Atomics Ct 11:45am-1:30pm.
- SD Street Eats: 12700 High Bluff 1130-130 then 3690 Murphy Canyon Rd 630-9p
- KALBIQ: 5075 Shoreham from 11:30-1:30
- Bitchin Burgers & Cappuccino in the Park: 1808 Aston, Carlsbad, 11:30-1:15.
- MIHO Gastrotruck: Del Mar Heights. 12700 High Bluff 11:30am-1:30pm
- Devilicious: 4242 Campus Pt Ct from 11:30-1:30
- Two for the Road: 9555 Chesapeake 11:15-1:15
Tonight: Truck Up with Tabe BBQ, India On Wheels, SDStreetEats, Sweet Treats, and Super Q at 3690 Murphy Canyon Rd from 6:30-9pm.