- Operacaffe Mobil , Groggys, Underdogs GastroTruck, Asian Persuasion: Hilton Bayfront Hotel 11-2.
- My Urban Eats: Greenwich and Shoreham. 11:30-1:15
- Super Q Food Truck: 9449 carrol prk. dr. 11-1pm. Super Q2 TD Ameritrade 4075 Sorrento Valley Blvd. 10:30-11:30 then bottom of General Atomics Ct. in La Jolla 11:45-1:30
- Eat At Recess: 3131 Camino del Rio N 11:15 – 1:30p
- PierogiTruck: 11-2pm at 10930 Torreyana Dr.
- EpicEatz: 5650 Kearny Mesa Road. 11-1:30.
- Hoangies Food Truck: 8928 Terman Ct 11:30-1:30
- New York On Rye: Downtown, 11:30 – 1:30 San Diego County Administration Building, 1600 Pacific Highway 92101
- Ocean Beach Seafood: UCSD at 9420 Athena Circle, 11:30-1:30,
- Green Truck: Salk Institute, behind the bldg at 3100 Salk Institute Rd. 11-1:30pm.
- Thai1On: 10-1:30pm at Dexcom 6340 Sequence Drive
- MangiaMangia Mobile: Science park and torreyana 11:30-1:30
- Delicioso: Althea Sorrento valley
- Devilicious: 3860 Calle Fortunada 11-1pm
Tonight: La Mesa Best Buy Gathering and Tasty Truck Tuesday Gatherings in Normal Heights
Disclaimer: Always confirm a truck’s location by checking their Facebook, Twitter or website before you go. Things can change!