- Eat At Recess: 3131 Camino del Rio N [11:15a-1:30p]
- HaadSai Thai Food: Shire Regenerative, 11095 Torreyana Rd 92121, 11:30am-1:39pm
- New York On Rye: 11:30 – 1:30 Waterridge Pavilion, 10525 Sorrento Valley Parkway
- Tabe BBQ: Terman ct 92121
- Devilicious: MCRD, 3800 Chosin Avenue 10:30-1:30pm and 9540 Towne Centre Drive 11:30-1:30pm
- God Save the Cuisine: 11:00 to 1:30 – Torreyana road crossing science park dr
- MangiaMangia Mobile: 11am-3pm at 8360 Clairemont Mesa blvd suite 112
- STUFFED!: 11-1:30 @ Bridgepoint/Ashford University 8620 Spectrum Center Blvd
- Simply Fresh: Greenwich Dr & Shoreham Pl in UTC 11:30-1:30
- GreenGo GastroTruck: 8989 Rio San Diego Dr From 11-1pm
- Not So Fast!: 5005 Wateridge Vista Dr. Sorrento Vallet 1130a-130p
- Farm Fish Fork: 10182 Telesis Ct. 11:00 – 1:30; Sorrento Valley
- New Orleans Food Truck: 11:30-1:30pm at Bridgepoint Education 8620 Spectrum Center Blvd.
- My Urban Eats: 8620 Spectrum Blvd, 11-130.
- Crabcakes 911: 11:30-1:30, Petco Office Bldg.
Gatherings tonight in: